
Shmita occurs every seven years, a Shabbat for the land, an opportunity for the earth to rest and regenerate. In biblical times this meant allowing the fields to lie fallow instead of continuing to enforce a production schedule that is not sustainable for the earth. It also meant forgiveness of debts. As we enter shmita year 5782, we can ask ourselves how these ancient practices can inform our current day, both individually and collectively, as we call in the World to Come. What debts are we holding over other people’s heads that we might release them from? What can we learn by observing the way the plants interact and participate in the world when humans aren’t interfering?

Your Verdant Dreams of Olam haBa planner offers many tools for tracking your experience of shmita. We will also be holding a monthly Rosh Chodesh circle throughout the year where we can reflect in community, and learn more about shmita as it relates to the moon cycles and seasons.

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