Our Team

Nomy Lamm ~ co-founder & artist

Nomy Lamm is a musician, illustrator, creative coach, a kohenet/Hebrew priestess, and the Creative Director of Sins Invalid, a disability justice based performance project. Nomy is a white Ashkenazi disabled queer femme Jew who lives on Squaxin land with their partner Lisa. They create ritual tools for embodied Jewish feminist practice, including this project and the Omer Oracle deck. nomyteaches.com

erica riddick ~ curator & editor

erica riddick (she/they) is a passionate ambi-brained educator / ritualist, founding director of Jews of Color Sanctuary, and creator of the Bilhah Zilpah Project and Parasha Play. erica is the Jewish Women’s Archive 2022-2024 Twersky Education Fellow and Mandel Foundation 2024-2026 Teacher Educator Institute Fellow. erica facilitates the Jewish Studio Process, Dismantling Racism from the Inside Out, and Changemakers (a peer-supported social entrepreneurial incubator of Realize Change). These projects balance the work of Design Theanthropic, a residential design and renovation initiative, and community action research on projects within beloved communities. She is always excited to hear what folks are reading and share what’s in their queue.

Kim Wayman ~ artist & admin

Kim Wayman is a queer nonbinary artist and parent devoted to creating beauty wherever they can. They are a Jewish Studio Process facilitator and ritual collaborator living on Tsalaguwetiyi (Eastern Band of Cherokee) land, colonially known as Asheville, North Carolina.